Sunday, 21 April 2013


Why, hello there! It is I, Ciara, writer of this blog. I'm back on here after the crazy month that was March. It included my trip to England, Ireland for St. Patrick's Day/Aoife and Aisling's 18th birthday, my first Semana Santa experience including day trips to nearby rainy Spanish towns with the Ridgeon siblings, travelling 10 hours up north to see the lads and gals for Brozzie's 21st and it all ended down here in Málaga showing the northerners around for a week. After all this craziness I needed a few weeks rest hence me not being on here to update you on my shenanigans. April has been good to me so far. The weather has got significantly sunnier, things with college are going swimmingly, I now enjoy treadmills, I've been practicando-ing my Spanish a lot more and we have three lovely new housemates in HiLarios. Max from Germany, Laura from Málaga and Amanda from Brazil. How international! 

Our landlord Manolo threw us a ''Fiesta Primavera'' last week. The flat looked adorable covered in flowers and candles. We wore flowery things, drank summery drinks and ate too many breadsticks throughout the night. There was Hugo the Mariachi man and great DJ skillz from Max. We were introduced to Manolo's ''associates'' and other lovely Spanish people who christened me with the name ''Ciara Star Star''. 

our hallway

Manolo & I


 happy friends and breadsticks

 DJ Max

Us lucky ladies with Mr. Luke Star 

That Sunday myself, Rose and Helen decided to have a day out to Pedregalejo. It's an adorable beach town ten minutes outside the city centre. We got some of the best tinto de verano along with a heap load of fish. The cod and espetos were my favourite. It was a lovely sunny day so we decided to walk home via the beach. Funday Sunday. 


 the walk back

After a week of college it was decided that we would have a night out on Thursday. Laura brought some Spanish friends around and our usual crew attended. Pre-drinks consisted of a mix between flamenco and céilí dancing. There's been one of those big ''action'' board things constructed outside our flat in the main square for the film festival in Málaga this week. A drunken photoshoot was a thing that happened.

I shall update on all my March madness throughout this week, starting with Ireland. Plans to have a final trip to Barcelona with the whole gang are being made at the moment. This makes me sad. Not ready to leave yet. Good thing there's two months left!

Hasta Pronto,



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