This week was all about trying new things! On Tuesday, I went to a Language Exchange in a Moroccan tea place with my lovely new friend, Helen. The aim of the meeting was to meet with other people of different nationalities and speak for two hours about anything and everything while practising your language skills. Helen and I were separated which I was a bit nervous about at first because we had to talk for two hours to complete strangers and for one of those hours it had to be completely in Spanish. I was put at a table with two people from Málaga who were lovely. It did get a bit awkward having to talk for two hours but in the end I was glad I went. I think going to the Language Exchange was one of those things you have to throw yourself into when you're on a year abroad. I enjoyed the experience and I'm proud that I actually did it as it was a bit nerve-wracking.
I've come to learn that Erasmus students are up for a party anytime, anywhere. Going out was also a major part of my week. I've a feeling it might be like this for a while. I can't wait to get into a proper routine and met some Spanish people. The majority of my friends at the moment are all English speakers so it is much easier to ''have the bants'' speaking English instead of tumbling over your Spanish. I have begun to understand Spanish people in that I can understand them when they are talking at 100 miles per hour! This week was also the last week where the majority of my classmates would be attending our Spanish Language Course in El Palo. I'm the extremely pale Irish gal to the left in the picture below. The guy waving is our teacher, Carlos, who is a very cool dude.
FOOD. Oh food, how I love thee. Before coming here I was informed by one of the chef's at my old workplace that the food here in Málaga wasn't so good. Well Pat, how wrong you are. I had Sushi for the first time ever this week. It took a bit of getting used to but I loved the vegetable/egg rolls. Not a big fan of the raw fish myself.

There's a food chain in Spain called Cervecería 100 Montaditos which does typical Spanish sandwiches, nachos, salads and chips. It's extremely delicious and comes with the massive advantage that everything is only €1 on Wednesdays and Sundays. Absolutely perfect for when EVERY shop/supermercado in the city is closed and you have nothing in your fridge or in your belly. Tapas are also a gorgeous new addition to my life. I had a lovely mixture today in a cute Spanish restaurant in the city centre. There's a restaurant here called El Pimpi which is apparently the place to be because the Spanish go there when they're looking for a bit of grub. I was wandering around the city today with my friend Nalisha and we decided to pop in for a quick look. The picture below is the entrance way into the bar. I will most definitely be taking a visit here soon.
Hasta pronto,
Ciara :)