The soup has been souped and Sir Daniel O'Donnell has sang his song. That can only mean one thing, Barcelona was fanfreakintastic.
In order for any trip to be a memorable one, something has to go wrong. One word, Ryanair. Arriving at Helen's apartment, 4 hours before our flight headed Northeast, it was time to print out our boarding passes. It was 10 minutes into the 4 hours before our flight when we realized that we were unable to check-in for the flight online. There was nothing we could do about it on the interwebz so we decided to make our way to the airport. On asking a rather stern Ryanair employee if there was anything we could do she said that we would have to pay €60 if we wanted to be anywhere near Barcelona in the next few hours. Now, I do realize that we left it a teeny tiny bit till the last minute to check in but 4 hours? €60? I understand if you didn't check in, maybe, an hour before the flight and you had to pay this ridiculous amount of money but 4 hours? And €60? Where exactly does this money go? After switching between two different information desks for about an hour, we were finally given our boarding passes and headed towards security. In ridiculous situations like these, I tend to display the attributes of my personality that come from my Mother. I get all defensive and let you (you're a customer services rep now, k?) know how I feel about this totally bizarre situation. Then I laugh about how ridiculous people and the world are. In the midst of this particular fit of laughter, it was decided that chocolate and vodka would be the best things to resort to. To top off a great airport experience, our flight was delayed. Alas, all was well for the world is weird, Kinder Bueno is great and raspberry vodka exists.

Helen and the goods
We arrived to a chilly, fresh aired Barcelona. The best kind of aired a place can be in the first week of December. I called my friend Grainne as soon as we were in the main square near where our hostel was. As it was almost 1:30am the schuts had had a few dranks already. In true Grainne Wood fashion, she came running towards us, arms open wide. After a 10 minute walk down La Rambla we were greeted with an array of drunken hugs from the rest of the group. Since it was 2:30am and we had no alcohol and exhausted brains after dealing with stoopid Ryanair, McDonalds was had and myself and Helen hit the hay.
Kabul was one of the best hostels I have ever stayed in. It was right in the city centre, our four night stay came to a total of €35, it was continuously being cleaned, no one who wasn't staying in the hostel was allowed in and there was free breakfast and dinner everyday. Once we were done chowing down on our first free breakfast, myself and Helen headed out to explore Barcelona. We rambled around La Rambla for the afternoon where we found some lions, street art, the most delicious looking fruit, an English cafe that served all day breakfast and our first Starbucks of the Christmas season was had. Christmas in a cup, lads.

Later that day, we met up with everybody and headed off to La Sagrada Familia. A great day of wandering was had. That night, we had a party with French people and mistletoe. People stripped.
Emmet + Micheal
Maeveen + the lovely Ailbhe
We were really cultured and had McDonalds (again) outside La Sagrada
La Sagrada Familia a.k.a. the most random church ever
The greatest people you will ever meet
French kisses
Saturday was a late start so breakfast had to be fetched. We bumped into some of the lads from Geordie Shore and decided to follow them. We were lead into the market where they were just standing there as were we. I decided to give Charlotte a big wave with a crazy girl smile and she grinned back and I've never felt like more of a stalker in my life. So here's a creepy picture of Charlotte...
After another day of banter in Kabul, we went for a wander around the port.
The Lions
Before heading to Barcelona, I was told by an abundance of people that it was absolutely necessary that we went to Razzmatazz. On Saturday, Kabul had arranged VIP entry for everybody staying. It was a pricey €17 to get in but we all reckoned we had to do it with it being the biggest club in Spain and the second biggest in Europe. This place was absolutely massive. We only found three out of five of the dance floors it was so big. People threw punches (thanks Broz), deported army men (who tip over cars in Budapest...who does that?) got too clingy to us more English folk and family were missed. It was a memorable one.
Another hungover day later and it was our last day in Barcelona. Helen, Emmet and I went out in search of The Cure and found it in the form of the English cafe we found a few days earlier. Two English breakfasts and a fish and chips and we were ready for another day. We visited the cathedral, the Christmas market and had a hearty Italian.
The Cure
Our trip ended with chats on the stairs of the hostel. Helen and I had an all-nighter as we had to leave at 4am to be on time for our flight. Goodbyes were said and before knew it we were back in Málaga.
Although it wasn't the most stimulating of trips culture wise, it was in terms of fun. I love my friends. Maeve, Emmet, Brozzie, Micheal, Grainne, Helen and the newbies Ailbhe, Elise and Fritz Fitzpatrick. Thanks for a brilliant weekend lads and lassies. I shall be seeing you soon :)
In other news, it's officially 8 days until I am home! You know how I feel about this.
I shall leave you with a little something that I saw on a door in our hostel which I thought was quite lovely...
''The days are so beautiful here, you must kiss each one of them''
Te Amo